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Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us
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Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us

Improve User Engagement With Telegram - Contact Us
About Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us

Improve User Engagement With Telegram - Contact Us

Make it easy for your site visitors to contact you through their mobile phones with click-to-call, Telegram Message, from anywhere on your website.

Telegram – Contact Us which allows you to communicate with your customers easily. It is designed specifically for the Shift4Shop community.

Use our communication features and allow your users to contact you easily by Telegram, Phone and more.

How to install:
1. Go to `Modules` and search for `REST`. Click on `Settings`
2. Click on `Add`
3. Paste the app key e98baa3bccf732a70560559af2473b9c
4.Click on `Save`

App Features
  • Allow users to contact you via Telegram
  • Be available to answer user questions and sell more
  • Show Telegram on all your pages
  • Subscribe users to your Telegram group
Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us
Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us
Support Information
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Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this the same as WhatsApp?

Asked by: John
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