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Category Filters
1 Review(s)

Category Filters

For merchants looking for tools to classify their products within the store, the category filters add-on can turn specific categories and subcategories into "Category Filters", allowing customers to use these to narrow down results.
About Category Filters
What are Category Filters?

As a merchant, you can set up to ten different filters for each category in your online store. By doing so, customers can intuitively refine category results for products by choosing specific filters in which they use to search for the products they need.

For instance, if you have a retail store, you may have a very broad selection of shirts. The Category Filters add-on, will allow you to setup filters for this category so customers can narrow down the product results to view by color, size, price, or brand. This improves site navigation for your visitors, which in turn, results in better conversions and more sales.

The use of Filters requires creating categories manually via the Admin Panel and flagging them as filters. Then products need to be assigned to the categories created as filters. And the Filter categories then need to be assigned to the standard categories/subcategories where the filters should display.

Dynamic Category Filters ($499)

Dynamic Category Filters provides functionality with the creation of a set of scripts that will automatically generate the categories/subcategories needed to be used as filters, and assign products to those categories dynamically based on:

  • Product’s Manufacturer field
  • Product’s Price, using the Shop By Price groups
  • Products Options set as Dropdown/Radio (Color, Size, etc.)

For more information on setting up this app once installed, please see our guide here.

*Category Filters is free for any shop using Shift4 Payments as their credit card processor. If you're not using Shift4 Payments, learn how to enable it in your shop.

Category Filters
Category Filters
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Category Filters Reviews
Customers Love This
Many of our customers compliment how they like the category filters. Easy for them to narrow down to the exact product they want. Eliminates the frustration of scrolling and clicking through several products within a category, just to find the product.
Did you find this helpful?  7 of 11 Found Helpful
from www.nitropowerproducts.com
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Category Filters Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are these one-time charges or monthly?

Asked by: Fredrick
A: The Category Filter App is a one-time charge.
Answer provided by: John

Q: Can this be setup to use the product features from the items within the category?

Asked by: Joe
A: I'm just a user here and not an official representative. You can create whatever filters you like, but you have to add them manually to each product. It will not pick up the filters from product features.
Answer provided by: Scott McKirahan

Q: Hi would this module allow to filter make, model, year? and does it remain applied when you navigate through sub categories? Regards

Asked by: PHILIP
A: I'm just an individual user but I'm pretty sure that I am right in stating that the filters do not carry over as "remembered" when customers navigate to another category. They would have to re-select make, model and year when they switch categories. I've researched this and an app that carries over make/model/year is not cheap. You can count on it costing at least $100/month.
Answer provided by: Scott McKirahan
A: Yes. You can tell them what you would like it filtered on.
Answer provided by: Elle Carnes

Q: Can the Dynamic Category Filter have other filters besides Manufacturer, Price and Options? Is there a way to use the products extra fields or keywords?

A: Just a user here and not an official representative. You can create whatever filters you like - far beyond mfr. price and options, but you have to add them manually to each product. It will not pick up the filters from extra fields or keywords. (Incidentally, search engines stopped using meta keywords nearly two decades ago, so save yourself some time and stop filling that field out).
Answer provided by: Scott McKirahan

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