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Coopt Campaigns
2 Review(s)

Coopt Campaigns

Offer customers instant rewards, based on your settings, that they can unlock by sharing your store on Facebook.
About Coopt Campaigns

Stop giving away coupons! Give customers a reason to share your store.

Offer customers instant rewards, based on your settings, that they can unlock by sharing your store on Facebook. The entire process takes less than 5 seconds, and is guaranteed to drive high quality traffic to your store.

Set up is easy…

To begin, simply sign up for an account, set the amount you wish to offer customers for sharing your store, and Coopt Campaigns generates a link that you can share in a marketing email, social media post, advertisement, or anywhere else you reach your audience.

When the link is selected and your store is shared, our app will verify the post and release the coupon code to the customer.

Now watch your customers Facebook endorsements drive high quality, targeted visitors to your store.

Sign up for a free trial today!

App Features
  • Boost sales by turning customers into social media promoters, without the hassle of affiliate programs.
  • New customers are 7X more likely to purchase when referred by a friend
  • Reach new customers for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising
Support Information
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Coopt Campaigns Reviews
Boosts Traffic
We tried affiliate offers in the past and they were very time consuming. We designed Coopt so you only pay when your store is actually featured on Facebook. There is little to no work to be done from the store owner. Plus, you can try it for free and see if it's right for your store!
Did you find this helpful?  5 of 8 Found Helpful
from flypedals.com
Coopt Review
This app does exactly as advertised. We've had coopt operational for 2 weeks and we have already received numerous Facebook shares with loads of views. This is a must have for any retailer looking to increase their social footprint. Setup is a breeze as well
Did you find this helpful?  2 of 7 Found Helpful
from Moccasinsdirect.com
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