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AgeChecker.Net is the leading provider in online age verification for vape and e-cig websites to comply with FDA regulations
$25/month +50¢ per verification
About AgeChecker.Net
AgeChecker.Net is the leading provider in online age verification for vape and e-cig websites. Our system is designed to prevent sales to underage buyers and comply with the latest FDA and state regulations. We handle age verification and customer service 24/7/365 so you don't have to manually verify customers or risk selling to underage buyers. The verification process is quick and user-friendly so you don't lose customers over age verification. 

Our large database of customers ensures that most customers are verified instantly. Customers who have ordered on another website can be instantly verified on any website using AgeChecker.Net. For orders requiring photo ID verification, customers can take a picture using their webcam or mobile camera, upload an image file, or receive a text so they can complete it on their smartphone.
App Features
  • Free same-day installation and setup.
  • 90%+ automatic verification rate (without photo ID)
  • Verify in 10 seconds on average (if photo ID is required)
  • 24/7 email and phone support.
  • Reduce chargebacks and fraudulent orders.
Support Information
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